


Graduate in Fine Arts. Barcelona University 1984
Qualified  in Photography. Liège 1985
Theatre Studies. Institut del Teatre. Barcelona 1987
Script Master. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona 1992
Black and white Laboratory Course -Expert Printing- by Photographer Manel Serra. Barcelona 1998


Selection of photographs for the National Photographic Project of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 2019
“El signe d’un instant” (The Sign of an Instant). Dalmau Gallery. Barcelona 2018
Book “El signe d’un instant”. SCAN Photobooks. Tarragona 2018
“Scenography for a Portrait”. Espai 8. Barcelona 2016
“The Construction of the Portrait”. BCN Visions. Barcelona 2016
“Vincles”.(Ties) Olivart Art Gallery. Barcelona 2014
“Del encuentro de un paraguas en un lugar común”. (About the meeting of an umbrella in a common place) Contrast Gallery. Barcelona 2007
Collective Photography.  Fotonauta Gallery. Barcelona 2006
“Auto-retrats”. (Self-portraits) by Jordi Cerdà”. Photographic selection of the production “Dintre meu hi ha una mica de…” (Inside me there is a bit of..) Centre d’Art de Santa Mónica. Barcelona 2002
“Portraits”. Ateneu Barcelonés. Primavera Fotogràfica de Barcelona 1996
“Dintre meu hi ha una mica de…” (“Inside me there is a bit of…”) shared work with Jordi Cerdà. 4Art Montfalcon. Barcelona. Primavera Fotográfica 1994.
“La visió” (The vision) -shortfilm-. Festival de Clairmontferrant. 1990.
“Retratos estenopeicos”(Portraits with the pinhole camera). Tartessos Gallery. Barcelona 1989
“Viatge”. (Journey) -video- Monogràfiques de la Biennal de Barcelona 1988
“Temps de Transició”. (Transition Time) -video- Biennal de la Mediterrània. Barcelona 1987
“Foto 85”. (Photo 85)  Arcs Gallery, Barcelona 1985